Returns Information
If you decide that the product you purchased from us is not exactly what you were looking for, or is the wrong size, there is no problem returning it to us. We will accept products back for exchange or a full refund as long as it is with its original packaging, receipt and the product itself unused or unworn. We cannot refund postage.
We at Bundle Baby hope you love all that you purchase from us!
Should you wish to return any items please do so within 28 Days of Delivery.
Items must be returned unused, in ALL of their original packaging with labels intact and must be in a fully resaleable condition.
We will not cover the fee of returning any items to us unless the product is faulty.
We are unable to accept returns of unwanted Baby Hygiene and Bedding products. *This includes opened Sheets, opened mattresses, moses baskets, teething toys, opened Potty’s.
(*The above list is not exhaustive and we reserve the right to not accept other items on the basis of hygiene)
We are also unable to accept the return of Baby Video monitors unless there is a fault.
We advise all returns are sent to us tracked and will not be responsible for the process of getting the return to us.
We reserve the right to inspect all returns before issuing a refund and we can refuse a refund if we deem the product/s no longer saleable.
Refunds will be issued on the original payment method and shipping charges will not be refunded.
We aim to issue all refunds within 10 Days of receipt of the goods back to us in our warehouse.
Returns Address
Returns Dept.
Bundle Baby
9 Dundrum Road
BT33 0BG
United Kingdom
For more information on postage rates to your country, click here.